Awww, they're super gay! That is adorable and sweet and lovely!
Ahhh, that bowtie is cute! Gentleman-y! And he looks cute too, like he's full of hopes!
Thank you! I like to think he is quite hopeful ^^
Prrroooooooobably not so popular since her evil monster design kinda sucks, and we won't see her again since she... sorta dies really fast... unlees they pull a hoogiewoogie and make an alternate version of her, there will be no more Mollie sadly.
Okay. That's creepy. Unlike most characters that try to be creepy or scary whom I see, this fockin one does his job of being freaky hella well.
Woah what?! This is awsome! Angry aggile bunno with a big scarf is so sick! And you're talking about the trade being with a "good artist", as if you aren't one! Heck yeah!
(Also, who is this other person you traded with, whenever I see one side of an art trade I always want to see the other one, too!)
Yeeeeeee stradust les gooo!
Also, whada hecc are those flags? Never seen em before!
they represent me being polysexual and kenochoric! i have more flags/identities that i align with as well, these are just the ones that i feel are most connected to this sona who is meant to depict one of my osdd alters. sorry if that's a bit confusing!!
Wowie... they sound like a really kind person... I think, in whatever form of afterlife there is, they're probably forgiving you right about now. Remembering them is the best thing you can do, so... yeah, don't forget AmericanTitan.
Also, being manipulated isn't your fault, it never is, and the fact that you aren't under that bad evil person's control now, even if you lost so much, does mean you won over them in the end. Eat that, bad evil person!
And it is so nice and sweet of you to ask a relative of AmericanTitan's, who knew them better, for help with picking out details for this special drawing. That's really caring. Hell yeah.
He was an amazing person, really. I still hate how easily I got manipulated. Perhaps I could have helped AmericanTitan instead of believing that one fake friend's lies the eyes closed. But I cannot change the past, so I will make sure to learn from what happened & to never forget about him.
Thank you ! AmericanTitaness definitely helped a lot. It's when I thought about celebrating AmericanTitan's death anniversary that I realised how little I knew about him actually.. @.@
This is one of the cooler looking pride flags I think. In terms of the design and colours used for the flag itself, I mean. In fact, hold on...
Look at what ya can do with these colours! I tell ya, it's awsome, the only better colour set is Pan!
I agree, the colors are super pretty! The pink and orange go together really well and I like the sort of gradient effect with the white in the center. I dig how they used it in that music video :)
I think my favorite flags design-wise are probably this and the gay man flag. The colors are really pretty on that one too, it reminds me of the ocean :)
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