As I said, they are becoming chalk. This should be enought to draw a small door!
As I said, they are becoming chalk. This should be enought to draw a small door!
Probably too liquified to make very good drawing material.
Oh that's not so bad. It's good to have a break from the overwhealming action for just a page in these kinda scenarios. Especially since, if Andrea's not gonna attack them in the next page, then they're gonna attack her, I bet.
Also, I know these clones don't have much equipment, but could they drop chalk and baseball bats on death? Suddenly, making many clones for mental torture and also having his own attacks be the way to fight back against him makes Andy feel like The Snachter boss form A hat in time; that shows a method to fight him off, which makes him a lotttttttttttt less scary.
A baseball bat might be especially handy. I feel like smashing and bashing might work better than cutting in this situation.
Woo, new artstyle! Or rather, you just amde the lines black and used bleaker colours. How much a small change can change! Also yeah, happy bday to those gals!
Oh noo, was Shoah like, a freind of yours? Or some histrical figure guy? Nevertheless, seems preety important to rember this kinda stuff, didn't know there was a day dedicated to it - truly an unfortunate event, to put it lightly.
No, I didn't have any friends, the Shoah is the holocaust of the Jews during the Second World War perpetrated by the Nazi regime.
Oh, Kindling's one of the Alters, right? Didn't know those heckers had birthdays! Das very cool, yeah, happy bday to the bean :3
Yes, some of them do! Some of them don't though. XD I don't know how that works other than until they tell me.
Ooooh, what magical, biblical, moral and amazing-al story does this thingie have?
In truth it is not a story it is a drawing based on a Latin song of the Templars which speaks of death, hell, cross and faith which begins with "Crucem sanctam...infernum"
Hah! But he won't! He can't kill Andrea, because then he'll die himself! Ya specificly said, [[artist]], that she needs to be kept alive!
...Gosh, I hope the ending to this isn't just this lesbiab in eternal torture, that'd be very sad. Don't spoil the anwser, by the way.
It's true that her "real" self needs to stay alive, but Andrew doesn't really lose anything killing her in the dream since she just respawns.
[[ I do apolagize, sir.]], WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS!!!!!! YOUR COMIC? DO I HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?! OH, YOU'LL SEE, [[coming soon!]], I'LL BE THE [[ARTIST]][[❗❗❗]] THIS TIME [[❗❗❗]]
Wow, that really was a long time ago. I'm surprised I kept my mouth shut that long.
Oh ma gawsh! It's so thick, like a tree stump!
Yeah :)
Oh, neat that you're findin out more about that gal, hopefully she likes this visualization of her more. Honestly kinda looks like a warrior cat from Warrior cats, at least this version!
Yeah, I had some progress with that today. This ones pretty accurate, but I just learned today She's one who reads things to me.
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Joined on 1/31/21