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Epiccccc brah! Sick ta know ya found some1 as cool as ya!

Or wait, is that like, a commision, between the commisioner and some other person, neighter of em related to ya? Ah whatever da hecc, it's really cool anyway!

NyanaKnifegal responds:

the commissioner's my friend, my sona's the pink one. we are very platonic :]]]

Ah, so the creature, like many others of yours, has a name now! How wonderful, I really like this lil slimie fwemd! This is like a great revival of the Geccman-verse, everyone's coming back for... an opportunity to look cuter and better drawn, I guess?

SieDorran responds:

Yeah, just like Renaissance, I guess(?
Anyway thank you as always Bopsky!


Despite everything, it's still you.

SieDorran responds:

Yeah :3

Oh huh, das alright! I honestly don't really feel like I like this one as much as yer other charcters, but das prolly bc they're so new, and I don't really like red colours unless it's blood and mierrrderrr and stuffz like that.

Also, intrestin this la- lad's? Lassie's? Lad-sie's? What is this creature, a boi, a woman, or a pending transaction?

Anyway, intrestin that this [[Pristine customer!!!]]'s name is Serum, when the first art ya did of em is them transormin into themself thru maybe a serum of some sorts, I doubt this [[BEANZZZZ]] is a werewolf or somethin.

SieDorran responds:

Thanks for your OC theory Bopsky XD!!!

Mate, ya really like gore, blood and killings don't ya? Das preety sick dood! Dunno why ya like it so much suddenly, but like, have fun, I guess!

ParraDX responds:

i got that feeling lately, but i promise next piece will be something normal, i swear!!!

I wonder now actually, would Andrea have her eye injury carry over to the real world? Given how real this dream is, it doesn't seem unlikely to me.

Actually, remembering the dream ting, she might still be able to see with that eye. I think I had a dream like that, where I shouldn't've been able to see stuff due to some massive in-dream injury, yet I did.

24HoursSleeping responds:

Whether or not she can "see" out of that eye or not is a good question. I've been in similar dream situations. Still feel an arm when it's cut off, stuff like that.

Aye! Aye! Nona that in this library! We don't be sittin here, pretendin to be alroight, when we ain't, alroight mate? Now sit da fock down, and hav a huggie!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Andrea especially is not the pinnacle of healthy mental practices.

Honestly, like, what can I even say? Like, yeah. Yeah! This is cool, and has a lot of information, character seems really nice;

I don't really know what to say, just overall, good job Fawn!

LylianaDog responds:

Thanks mate, her name is Wendy

Well, "almost over" and "awake soon" is quite generous, given the expected amounta pages. But if these words make Andrea feel better, than I'm all for that!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Olivia is a master of high hopes.



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