Pick it up amd take it bank robbing >:3
Pick it up amd take it bank robbing >:3
Long ago in a distant fairy land
There was a man known far and wide
He was known to eat any meat
Human, chicken, horse or bovine
And then
On the big day of his largest feast yet
He rolled himself in a ball and
Oh, what a feat!
He's one with the meat!
He's the only
Meatball Man!
A beautiful song.
Those are some weeird lookin lobsters mate! Generally, thas some weeird lookin artstyle! But actually decent for what it is, good job, I guess?
Thanks : DDDDDD And yeah, I know it's just lobsters are just too complex for me atm x-x
Oh yeahs mate, I knew I could trust ya with draeing petrified despair and murderous insanity! Oh, I'm gonna be laughing maniacly at this all night! And the eyes in the back are somethin I didn't think of, they fit hella well tho!
Also, ya managed to put shading in! I know ya struggle with that a bit, and it looks good here, so nice job on that :3
im alwayz happy i could be at the expectative! i gave myself the needed liberties and abt the shading, its true, im not at my best on it but i made a try so the piece didnt look that flat lol, i just appreciate u like it!!
Fast as fire? Yeah, clearly! You've uploaded like, 5 arts in these last 2 days, and made this one in 7 HECKING minutes?! So mych speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd!!!
Oh ma gawsh, Geck man animated! Not somethin I assumed I'd see today! Very smooth anim, art quality is obviously not as high as in drawings, but that's expected and fully okay with an animation, especially your first time!
Thank you Bopsky!!!
Yeah, I... do not watch Ben10, nor know anythin about it, really. Design's very [[wacky stacks]], but I guess that's not your fault, yer not the one who made the character.
Also, you can take your time with the art trade! If you have other things that need doin, ESPECIALLY if it's personal stuff, then I certantly don't mind a little wait!
Thamk yuo 4 ur patience, im already progressing on it based on the idea you proposed!
Ah mah gawsh, das cool, dood! Drawn characters with irl backgrounds always look so nice when good artists do em!
[[ARTIST]], you [[what a fraud!]] Ya lied ta me, ya told me Jack wouldn't be back! And so shortly before posting this page, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you [[profesional backstabber]] me like so???!!!
I thought you meant Clown, you know, separate from MEAT. My bad, lol.
What the hecc is a graphite?
It’s the mineral used in pencils https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil#Graphite_deposit_discoveries
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21