Oh, cool and neat and stuff! The atmosphere here looks... odd.. but fine, and also, what the hell is leaking outta thst pumpkin? Candle wax is like, dangerous if not used proprly, I hear!
Oh, cool and neat and stuff! The atmosphere here looks... odd.. but fine, and also, what the hell is leaking outta thst pumpkin? Candle wax is like, dangerous if not used proprly, I hear!
Aye I foken see 'im, boss! Bigman Louis is cheatin' now, mate used Kamek's transiguration magic or somein to become a frickin' tree man, I'm tellin' ya! I've seen 'im, man's hat is the colour'a those leaves there, see, and them coconuts, they're Louis' hair colour, ya? I'm bloody sure of it, I can see the colours on that there cutout of man Louis roight there, see boss?
Yeahs, snuggies! Hug the little... uhh... what's that, a kitty? Sure! Kitty! Hug 'em, it's soft cosy and kind! Hug everyone!
Yoooo, das so cool! I wanna study this thing for ma own battle scenes now. And their fighting's still not done! Woo-yay!
And of course, the joke at the end of "SURELY a sneak attack won't come from in front'a me" before a jumpscare right in fronta them... yeah that sure is there.
Ah, that's bad. Not the hug, but your illness. It's not pleasent, but if ya have something to distract you during the day like games or drawing then you'll forget to cough so much. And not going outside helps too, it's cold and wet now. But yeah, just rest and stuff, and you'll be fine eventually! (eventually...)
Oh and cool drawing, not as many special effects like lighting as some of the stuff you do, but most yer arts already have so much cool stuff and detail that this is fair. So, cute huggie!
Yeah bobsky, I had a bad cold, it was horrible.
Okay, I'm starting to struggle with keeping up with both this and the expanding lore of Yiewtopia, ubt after re-reading the previous bits of this "mystic bandits" thing it does now make sense. Cool that we see all these characters, I guess the parrents will show up next?
Oh, Mystic BANDITS and Yiewtopia are two different stories XD there will be murder rabbits in MYSTIC BANDITS, just weird, trippy stuff
Well, that sure isn;'t what I expected ,but go on, I guess!
wait, I just... all your art is someone breaking another person's back using their knee! Well isn't that something. Aye, everyone's got their specialties in what they draw. So, go on then!
Ohh, you see, there's a biiiiiiig problem here: Art's awsome and stuff, if not for the fact that the girl's body is almost compleatly black, so you just cannot see the butt very well. Normally void and pure darkness characters do things like shading and lighting so you can see what's going on, or the void just swallows everything around them - you don't know how to do those things yet. That's fine, but it suuuuucks for this art specifically.
Ah well, you'll figure it out one day for sure! And in the meantime, the BG sky and character's creepy eyes look awsome!
Aye, nifty doggie. Nothing too special like body markings or anything, but those big loving eyes are unique enough I think. So yeah, good job!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21