Doesn't look particularly endearing, but who can say no to a smile like that? Clearly bigman's got good intentions.
Doesn't look particularly endearing, but who can say no to a smile like that? Clearly bigman's got good intentions.
Curious what would happen if ya gave this on a check to a customer. Of course you'd now have to wait until next summer to try and do this, but I think they'd appriciate it! :3
It's actually not a's just plain printed paper used to jot down notes and notes. When I find scribbles or pen marks, I decorate them like this to pass the time... in any case next year I will definitely continue as you said.
Again, each time you do these, you get better. This time the posing of the face is just a bit diffrent, but really still, no biggie. So ye, good great job!
Thank you! Yeah,I told you,It's no a easy need work a lot for fit the image with pencilpeels.
Kitty! ^°^
Yes! At First I was thinking to wolves...but in the end I choose the Cats...
Well,what are these abilities then?
Oh you know… level 15 dark magic bolt, plasmatic death hell missile… the usual.
Shocked birb, or birb with moon head?
They're a (fanmade) Kirby demon beast with a moon head <3
Ah, long meat. Guess that does indeed come, with bein' "too fat", yeah.
Ifeel like everyone's gon be askin', why?
But Cave Johnson once said, science isn't about asking why, it's about asking why not, so personally, I won't ask eighter question.
Spotting a distinct lack of blue meat here. Maybe next time, on one meat two meat red meat blue meat, ww'll see the fabled blueness.
Soon, friend :) Next drawing will have succulent blue (it tastes like fish)
Yeah, that's preety really good. Spaaace is always sick, and colours are cool too, characters are kinda tiny but yeah, they look nice too upon zoom-in.
Also, I don't mean to be the gal ta tell you this, but you went WAY overboard with watermarking. Like, yeah, signature and stuff so people can't steal your arts, and this one doubles as a budget nightshade, but it makes the drawing look terrible, and I can see that it would otherwise be awsome. Like, the amount of your name's you had over the previous artwork was fine, I think, this is a bit much, looks like film grain.
Yeah, I know the watermark muddies the art, I wish I didn't have to do this, however I've had far too many situations where people steal and sell my work without my concent. And to avoid people from cropping and stealing, this unfortunately is the only way for me to protect my work. I do post my work without this muddied watermark on my Patreon (free members can view without pay).
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21