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Ohhhh, I wanna see that! A lotta carnage, woohoo! Just what I need right jow.

A bucket with lotsa red dots... are the cats going to the disco, with a disco ball?! Heck ya!

Yaaaay, kitty! Strange that these 2 people commisioned something to look so similar.

(Also, the face looks kinda weird, on both characters, like it has no snout)

SieDorran responds:

Yeah because it's a YCH!
Also I didn't draw the snout to make it looks more like a human face :3

Ya seem to be getting better at cleaner colours. And that tree could have more apples, for way more projectile fun!

STearleArt responds:


Ah, so dead bunnies go to the moon! Is the moon a good place? And what's it's mother, can she be killed by like, that evil queen?

WarehouseRabbit responds:

Sadly this was just an image from a crazy dream I recently had xwx The rabbits world was slowly being consumed by a giant amalgamation of flesh and Lil Kang here is now praying to a moon goddess to guide her in her battle against... Whatever the hell that flesh thing was xx.

Hope Sleep doesn't sue me for taking heavy inspiration from his dreams XD

That grey soldier makes me wonder how The Tankmen would look in your style, and what great and gorey ideas you could do with them!

sinnykitt responds:

I did draw them; if you wanna see, you can look up "tankmen" in my gallery X3 (my avi is steve as a cat)

This is my first time hearing about this thing, I know very, very little about BanHammerJoJo and KazooMan, but am VERY aware of how easy spreading misinformation online is. Therfore, I can confidently say, that it is cannon he fucked that bird.

Okay, mate, are you planning to do litterly every plant?

HourglassPup responds:

These were already made, I still got like 7 other drawings lol

Yeah that's preety... is that a hair pin or a body pillow? I can't imagine someone cuddling this to sleep, but the option's always there!

hizzacked responds:

it's a skateboard deck lol don't grind on it and ruin the art like a jackass

This is fucking awsome! X3
No need for story, just beat down and fight a lot with guts and blood and swords and guns and lotsa colours!



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