
49 Game Reviews

19 w/ Responses

Okay so, normally I don't complain about this, but in this one game I have a problem that compleatly ruins it - to rotate blocks, a really important thing the whooole game is bullit around, you have to press right click while holding left click, or use the scroll wheel also while holding left click. I am on a laptop, and have a touchpad, which can't do 2 things at once like this. After like 10 minutes I did get past the rotations tutorial by doing some strange bullshit with like, holding the pad with my left hand, then with both, then only the right hand, tabbing out of the game, switching hands again, tabbing back in, doing some stuff with sensitivity in computer settings, and EVENTUALLY the piece flipped, but you have to understand that was like, really hard and random. Imagine if you bound the "end turn" button to writing out, on your keyboard, the description of every tile currently on the map, an if you miswrote one letter you'd have to try again. That's what doing one rotation feels like. Bloody hell...

But yes, other thatn having to do the whole game (rotaionless) (while painfully watching as the game gives me perfect pieces but in the wrong rotations so I can't use them) was edcently fun, and it looks good and stuff. Just... the one thing breaks it all.

FancyReckless responds:

Sorry you had to endure that and thanks for playing!
I've updated the game to make it easier for touchpad:
- you can grab shapes by clicking on them once and clicking again to drop (this was there before, but I added that to tutorial)
- you can now rotate using x, space or r button as well.

This version also contains some other fixes and skill upgrades, so might be worth to check it out if you liked the gameplay before. Thanks for the feedback!

Oi, remind me ta play this in like, 3 days, when I can use ma laptop again. Can't play at all right now.

(Actually, while I'm here, add that text to da list pls)

PandaFnf responds:

You could, He can be tapped to talk on mobile! Also I Will add that

11 score mode! I did it! After a few minutes of tryin'. Feel like the knoife hitbox is a little small, both when trying to pick it up, it's weird if you click just a tniy bit to the left, and when smearing peanut butter, the handle has to be the thing that touches the sandwich, the blade isn't reliable.

Hey so, I wanna ask now, how the hell is the daily score calculated? There's no counter during the game, and it's never explained anywhere. Does health remaining count? Is there a 1hp bonus? What about coins, should I keep or spend for the best score? Or do I go for enemy tiles and that gives more points, or does it not matter and I shouldn't bother? Is there some huge algorythm that checks how frigin' sick your run is, and the math is so complicated no mortal can comprehend it, not even the devs? I thought my run where I came into and killed the final boss all on 1hp was preety hype, but apperantly not as hype as the runs of 11 other randos. But why not? What rules are written here?

MadNukin responds:

Currently we are trying to experiment with minimum information on the player's end, but I understand that we should rethink that.
Also this was a fun comment to read none the less 5/5.

Clunky, confusing, boring. two and a half stars.

ps. There are better ways to make a mouse cursor system if your players are gonna use a mouse and keyboard...

Okay, so here are a few questions:
Where are all my items going whernever I press restart?
Where's that 10 free health I was promised with each parry?
Why is the game framing itself as fast and awsomez when the boss is invincable for 95% of the fight and I can't actaully do any cool awsome moves becouse they do no damage?
WHat the actual FUCK mate. I am not replaying this whole thing again just to get back my med pills + sandwich, just cause they vanished forever to the shadow realm after I clicked restart once. No. Piss off with all this.

ChalTheChalk responds:

First, chill. Second, i apologize for some inconsistency with some of the game's mechanics like the 10 free health with each parry, i will look into these as soon as possible to prevent anymore inconvenience. Again, sorry!

HisCoconutGun responds:

Its more about dodging and weaving attacks than just going ham on the boss, you gotta survive before you can land a hit

Hey, I jumped over the final boss's spawn trigger, nice.

Okay, this game is mislabeled. This ain't an idle game, it's a puzzle game. A puzzle, on what the HELL just happend. Becouse nothing happend.

Just 5 clicks a second for 10 minutes stragitht is enough to keep the man alive, any more than that lets you do so comfortably, and that isn't a hard number of clicks to anchieve. And while you're keeping the man alive, nothing else is happening. Yer just clickin'. There's the sound of the snowstorm, your clicks if you want to, and the day/night cycle gif in the BG. Nothing else happens, or changes. This is like, a bad game. The ending isn't satysfying, and the gameplay not fun at all. Repetitive and shallow.

But then the puzzle comes in, because this is on NG, the site where games where nothing happens and you're just wasting the player's time can get really easily blammed. And yet this one didn't. Then, it got on the best daily posts thing. 3rd place out of 5. This beat out Super Turbo Power Punch Maxed, which is an awsome series, by 2 places on the podium. That decision was made by people who are like, super qualified to make these sortsa decisions (at least I think that's right), clearly Squire Thomas Fulpous saw something about this game. So much so that it got fugin frontpaged a day later. Super Turbo Power Punch Maxed didn't. An animation that was rated above this game in the daily ranking, also didn't. But this... thing... did.

That's like, the one thing you think about while playing. One of the 2. Eighter you're wondering what the hell this is and how it made it past all those quality checks, or are curious if something's gonna jumpscare you. Never does. Timer ends, storm ends, thas it. There is no more to the game, at all, ever. No difficulity increse, no alt mode, skin, no diffrent endings... right?

Like, maybe there IS some big secret that reveals an awsome massive thing. Maybe if I turn the volume up high enough and type G-O-O-S-E on my keyboard, I'll hear a wendigo whisper some input combo that unlocks a secret. Maybe if I play again a few times, I'll unlock Luigi. Maybe you're pulling a fnaf pizzaria simulator style fakeout, and I just missed it, along with every last person in this 4 page comment section, while everyone who didn't comment did actually find it and had fun, and this is just some statistical clusterfuck.
Regardless, I want anwsers, because this all doesn't add up. Please?

You know, I haven't actaully played a second of this game, and I don't feel like playing a horny game right now, but I seriously just read the title and assumed it meant "get in Santa's pants" as in, become Sansa, run his workshop, walk a mile in Snata's shoes. Absoultely did not consider any lewd meaning until I saw the starting warning.

I feel that it's very important for you to know this.
Very important, see.

Ah, a moment! I have bugs to report!
10-2 has a stupidly short timer. Not sure if it's a bug, but it seems so strict compared to all other levels in the game
5-3, on the other hand, doesn't have a timer. It's running in the background as I write this, it's been running for a minute straight, and the clock hasn't moved. *scrolls up* Nope, still not movin'.
Descruption: The controls section of the description you wrote, not in the game but on NG, deosn't tell you you can beammeup with left click. Would be nice to know, since the after-level menu requires the mouse, so playing with it as well seems like a nice option to be aware of. You can also move with the arrow keys, but that seems preety obvious. And e and esc for pausing, that's not mentioned at all. Damn.

And also, should probably say, this is a sick game despite these few things. Fast which I like, and not very difficult, you get each level after a few tries.

And also also, I made a level! Hard one I think.
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