
50 Game Reviews

19 w/ Responses

Ah, a moment! I have bugs to report!
10-2 has a stupidly short timer. Not sure if it's a bug, but it seems so strict compared to all other levels in the game
5-3, on the other hand, doesn't have a timer. It's running in the background as I write this, it's been running for a minute straight, and the clock hasn't moved. *scrolls up* Nope, still not movin'.
Descruption: The controls section of the description you wrote, not in the game but on NG, deosn't tell you you can beammeup with left click. Would be nice to know, since the after-level menu requires the mouse, so playing with it as well seems like a nice option to be aware of. You can also move with the arrow keys, but that seems preety obvious. And e and esc for pausing, that's not mentioned at all. Damn.

And also, should probably say, this is a sick game despite these few things. Fast which I like, and not very difficult, you get each level after a few tries.

And also also, I made a level! Hard one I think.
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Okay soo... fnaf three remake but budget. Springtrap is Turno, Phantom Freddy is Polly, Phantom BB is Benji, and Phantom Marionette is Ricky.
Except Polly still is fully aggressive while you browse cams, normally they ain't that fast;
Benji's fine, generous with how much time they give you but alright;
Ricky I can't figure out how you get rid of, but they only show up once a night and generally near the start;
And Turbo is all kinds of busted! When reaching cam 4, they get stuck staring at the final wall, taking a smoke break supposedly and not moving up at all. Tried even calling them to cam5 with the audio, it MAY have done something but I still didn't die;
Speaking of the audio lure, it never breaks, but instead has a long cooldown of (infinity + 1) seconds, but that's alright, since you can use it even when it's cooling, so effectively you can jut spam cam1 and win... but why do that, when Turbo doesn't kill ya anyway?

Also yeah, no visable timer is a lil weird, and it takes a bit of clicking about to figure out where the cameras are.

PandaFnf responds:

Yes "On a budget" is a somewhat generous statement. You spam click Ricky 10 or more BEFORE he makes noise then he goes away. Wait he doesn't Kill you?!!! Damn it I swear I got this down let me go in and see what I Fricked up I'll DM you when I'm bakc THANKS SO MUCH fo the review!

Oh that's fun. Thaaaaaaat's fun. Mate, how much ya planin' ta make this thing cost? If it's not too much, I might just buy it!
Like really, nothing to complain about here! Demo wasn't short, game was fun, nothing bugged out, all art looks good, music sounds nice... actually one thing, the keyboard controls are reversed by default with no way to change them. A and Q rotate right, D and E rotate left. Preety bad if ya need to quickly block an attack and go the wrong way... but mouse controls are more than good enough, even on laptops. So yeah sick!

adayofjoy responds:

A bit weird that the AQ/DE controls are inversed for you by default, should be AQ counter-clockwise, DE clockwise. But I'll prioritize keyboard rebindings in a future update!
I'm planning $5 with a launch discount for the game.

I feel like, as the others said, this game would not be fun if ya weren't going for minimum score. You would just be pressing random buttons for some time with no stakes. But this, minimal speeches approach, is really fun, and kinda scary! Balancing on the edge of death and keeping an eye out on the data to strike the apropriate faction when they reach a number so close to max...

By the way, 8 speeches.

Eyyup, that's going on my wishlist for sure! Fuckin fun and awsome! Somehow, despite being preety simple it was super fun, I did die a few times, but won first try anyway.
Not sure what to say, just, that was really really good and fun, and I would definitly play a version with more playtime, gear, enemies, bugs and all that stuff! Yeah!

I... wha? What's going on? The descruption just says " play as a maniac, take care of your captured"... That's nice, but not too helpful.

There's some table I can lay items down on, which does nothing, there's something about fixing some shelf??? and you can click on a random unmarked wall to get to The Captured, feed them stuff to mess with their health and hunger values, items can be found on the ground and 2 are randomly given and taken each day... oike, sick, but what do I do with this? Keep The Captured alive for a time? That's easy and boring. Kill em? Also easy, and not too interesting. Those are 2 endings, simple easy boring ones, and then... what else is there to like, do?

I already mentioned the bookshelf thing, I have nails but no hammer, and what the hell would fixing that even do anyway? I don't like to ask for help with how to win, but this time I'm confused on how to PLAY. Like, at all. Wha?

And apperantly in my fumble tumbles, I got the good ending that everyone's been confused about? I've just been tryna get instructions or like, anything, from the one guy I physically can, and apperantly we're chill now? Imma go play somethin else, maybe I can come back once you've explained what I'm missing.

Oh yeah sick and preety neat, took me a minute to figure the controls out and figure out I wasn't trying to make a neat lookin clean board here, but after a bit of fidjingling around it was fun! Though you should add a small descruption of what the hell is going on somewhere, main menu or the game's description.

Also, if ya plan to develop this game further, I have to say be careful. It's similar to tetris and feels similar to play, which is awsome becouse tetris is cool, but the horror stories of Alexey Pajitnov seeing tetraminos everywhere irl and playing the game for many hours into the night, every night, before adding a limiter in the form of ever increasing drop speed, are very much all true, and a warning to heed with these kindsa projects.

Preety sick I would say, dunno why but I feel the need to find the fastest route through every level. Also, as that one fella with the awfully similar pfp in the comments said, LV11 doesn't seem to be beatable, and going back to the main menu by reloading the tab doesn't let me get into LV12 eighter, so I cannot finsih QwQ

Also mate, PLEASE upload that soundtrack seperatly, it's so awsome!

Pitigamedev responds:

Thank you for your comment and feedback! Sorry! There was a bug in level 11 that I'm fixing right now!

Ah well, sick game, but indeed as the title warned, tryna play this with both players being women didn't work out well. Too bad!

Foken, this is a little bit scary. Whatever those things are that are chasing me, mate, I feel fear towards em. The running around to send cakes down and get indgriedients is actually preety cool, but again, those little monsters... give a diffrent coat'a paint to this game and a flashlight and you've got a really good horror game!

Also, would be nice to get a tutorial on what to do. Took me a minute of confusion to figure it out, even a small tiny summary in the descruption would be really nice

ImmanentDeath responds:

A short gameplay summary is a good idea, I'll do that.



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