Oh, that is a big thing to demand... without battle! I attack's you! No praying, until you show me that you are truly powerfull!
Oh, that is a big thing to demand... without battle! I attack's you! No praying, until you show me that you are truly powerfull!
Ah wait, this isn't a fantacy world.
Nevermind then, that... that sounds preety bad.
Killing actually has consequence irl, ya prolly shouldn't, uhhh, do that.
And it's a bad way to do peace, too.
Oh my frickin... You made [[Mike]] the cat from Wonderland... I guess that is preety awsome.
Kolourful Kitteh! Ah how awsome X3! They look so cewl and adventureous! And their colours are amazingggggg! Heck yeas!
Yeah! that is the intention! ^^
Yes. Yep. So good. Beautiful. Gorgeus. Magnificent. Exquisite. So cool. 1337. Dazzling. Pawsome. Heck yeah.
Ohh~ That looks awsome! The stabbing hand, and the expresion of the dude too! And apperantly he regrets it, even tho the siren was doing bad things...
Last time I said I can't be asked to read the many already exsisting pages of an ongoing comic that looked interesting, it didn't turn out well, so I'm gonna repeat that mistake again! Let's see if it's as bad of an idea as it was 2 years back~!
Oh it's like a kid's drawing! Like the artstyle!
:O WAITWAIT WAIT Idea: Gangle drew this as a gift for Ragatha and that's why it's in that style!
thats a great idea! I never think about it but maybe youre right!
Never heard of 'em.
Also holy peckneck that background is awsome! Prolly took a while, or a lot of special effects!
Cuddles with the sea dragoon noodle freind ahhhh :3! Cutesy as heck! Sadly Ramble cannot leave the screen and feel cuddles. Ah well.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21