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:D It's the boi! The Dead Cell! The Bea Headed! The best, around! Wooooohooooo!

Oh, and those others are cool too.

I have no words. Not in the kinda way where I don't have anythin to say, but in the kind of way where I feel the need to specificly inform you that I have no words.

24HoursSleeping responds:

I hope that's a good thing, lol. Or at least a neutral thing.

...a photo of the floor, but an art program was used to cut out most of it, with the eraser tool, leaving only this shape, and a white dot was added (within that same program) to appear as an eye.

Did I get that right?

FTerracciano responds:

Perfectly! ;)

Oh ma gawsh what is this magical creature! A "squirel fairy" ya say? What a beutiful and lovely lil bean! They deserve all the headpats and love! And I most certantly sure do hope, that nothing bad, hurtful, gorey or violent happens to them, ever!

ParraDX responds:

yeyeee!! i shouldddd make up some background for this fairy squirrel aswell!! theyll spend great time together! cant promise violence is out the map tho!

-"Not appropriate for children"
-Still puts it as E rated
-Refuses to elaborate
-Walks away

Seriously tho, this isn't really enought blood to make too much of a diffrence for the rating. Maybe you can put it up to T, just ta be safe, but it's not overly necesary.

Raydrawsx responds:

I used Postybirb and I tried finding a way to change the rating and I wasn't able to find it.

Ah! Front facing mouse! Is scarie >w< !

Seriously, seeing that mouse from that perspective, after seein em look to the side for so long; it feels weird, man!

STearleArt responds:

It's easier to draw em in profile for sure

Ah, alright, that's preety good. I qas thinkin maybe you couldn't really make a good title card, since it's not a new enviorment and we already know how it looks, but no, this shot is actually preety epic!

Also, do the blood cells have... a ceiling? Is there a way to just climb out this place? It wouldn't do much, but could it be done?

24HoursSleeping responds:

Hmm. I kind of imagine they just go on forever.


Also mate, I know you say you're not trying to improve your arts here, but if you struggle with draeing anythin decent lookin, you can do a bitta draeing warm-ups, like a simple shaped sketch of a cute cat with minimal details, or somethin simple like that, just some quick 15-25 minute arts to warm ya up for the stuff ya actually came here ta draw; and then your artsing should go from just not working to being quite fine! At least for that day...

Ya know what, I geniuanly didn't recognise G-Su for a moment, with such casual clothing. I thought you dyed your hair and was freindishly vibin with your own oc.

DoeDeev responds:

no actually! i just drew them without any poses, i didn't think i'd actually reference something!



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